Monday, February 16, 2009

Moved blog

Monday, August 18, 2008


First beta of wish version 4.0 has been tagged!

In features it is basic compared to 3.1, as only the core add, view, edit and remove for wish lists and items has been implemented.

But is a complete rewrite, with new architecture, testing modules, admin modules, application server modules etc.

Since this is a beta, from now on no new features will be added to the 4.0 version. Some bugs and UI tweaks will be done before a release candidate will be made. A full release might not be done, as it is a featureless release, and this project is a bit perpetually beta (googleish).

With this tagged, a 4.0.x branch will be made from the tag, and the trunk will move to version 4.1 so new features can be added. (A slight cleanup of the svn structure will also be done)

For a confirmed feature plan visit the roadmap, or possible features look at the plans page.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Version 4 to trunk

After the tagging of milestone 3, the 4th version/rewrite is now mature enough to move to trunk.

Not all usability features from version 3 are implemented, but will be soon. Check roadmap.

New architectures are mentioned in previous post, but basically, split across many sub modules:
Server modules: web services, business logic, domain objects, xsd schemas, oxm marshallers.
Client ones, with a tools module to connect to servers, web reference app, facebook app, flex based app and mobile app.
Admin modules, server and client.
Testing modules, fitnesse and fixtures, soap and jmeter.
Ear moduels, for deploying a whole stack.

New(old) technologies:
Spring web servcies.
Spring security on client, reusing gold Acegi.
Spring security on server for ws-security.
JAXB marshaller for easy xml conversion, but not required as duck typing is encouraged.
Spring mvc.
Struts tiles.
Hibernate/JPA 3.
Jetty for easy development and deployment if needed.
Maven 2 for building.
Subversion for VCS ( hopefully mercurial/bazaar soon)

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Guess what.

Version 3 has been released and deployed, had minor fix to it, and is nearly finished, so guess what?

Im starting version4 from scratch...
Typical one man project. constant changes and rewrites... :)

~/app/branches/dev/flurdy/version4 is now the currently developed branch. When nearing stability it will move to trunk.

New features of this version is even more modularity, seperate admin applications and newer architecture, but still basically the same, i.e. seperate server and client applications, spring web services, jetty server, hibernate, hsql db, spring mvc, facebook application, flex client etc.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

version 3 to trunk

Right, decided that the 3rd revision of the wishlist application is ready to go to the trunk.

So this branch
will now be available here

This new version has split client(web) from the application(server).
It has also been split into seperate modules. Ie.:

  • jpa entity and dao module wishDate.

  • wishWish for all wishlist specific logic.(and eventuall shop, gift etc).

  • wishServices for web services.

  • wishWeb for a reference web client.

  • wishFlex for a possible flex interface.

  • wishFacebook for a possible facebook application.

Of course this is all very alpha. It utilises maven, jetty, jpa/hibernate, hsql, spring-ws, acegi.

Major items still to do is:

  • Security - authentication, authorisation and encryption between client and web services. Currently the web client has acegi login but that does not talk with the web services, so is not properly linked.

  • Message bus. Going to integrate Mule, so maybe utilise its security options.

Also does not have all the functionality of previous versions.
Major missing items:

  • Wish reservations

  • Shopping link

  • Wish details

Monday, October 01, 2007

Version 3

As im still the only developer on this project, it is still suffers from me testing fad techs.

Version 3 is now being developed, but earlier versions was never finished..

Now it includes spring web services, and thinking off integrating Mule between clients and back end application.

Current development branch is

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Using Maven a lot at work, so may switch WishList to using Maven.

It does more than just build the app, and i find a great assistance. However some times people waste a lot of time on it. But I think the benefits are good.

Might also split the project up into sub projects, eg ejb, web service, web app.
Yes, using maven has pushed this idea through.


Reserve a Wish

0.4 αlpha version is now out, which got some basic wish reservation features.

Reimplemented the features of the 0.1,0.2 versions during 0.3.

Still need of some very drastic user interface make overs, but functionality first eh?

Christmas has once again passed, so inspiration might suffer though...